SSL certificate – why it makes your website more secure

Internet’s creation brought to the table a lot of possibilities but also a strong need for security. The development of all kinds of solutions for keeping businesses operating safely is a clear priority. In that environment, the SSL certificate plays an important role.

What is a SSL certificate?

SSL means secure socket layer. SSL certificate is a useful cryptographic protocol to protect the communication browsers-servers of websites. It helps browsers to verify servers’ identity, and it protects all data passing between them through encryption.

How does a SSL certificate work?

SSL certificate is a data file that holds the public key and identity of a website. The public key is half part of an encrypting mechanism that works with two keys, the public and a private one. This last is managed exclusively by the website owner to secure data that would be readable (decryptable) for others through the use of the public key.

The public key is a long numerical value for encrypting data. It is created and given by a specific and reliable authority. Its access remains public.

SSL certificate (data file) lives in the name server of a website, and it makes encryption possible. Every time a device communicates with a name server to request a website, this data file will be the reference to get the public key and verify the server’s identity.

SSL has a big advantage. When enabled, it is visible for users. For sure, you have seen during your daily surfing on Internet the padlock on your browser or the HTTPS before the domain name. Those signs mean you are visiting a secure website with a SSL certificate.

What information does it hold?

To get a SSL certificate, your business’s info is required to build the public and private keys.

  • The domain name of your business.
  • Name of the organization or person to issue the certificate for.
  • Associated subdomains, if exist.
  • Data of the authority issuing the certificate.
  • Digital signature of that authority.
  • Issue and expiry dates of the certificate.
  • Public key.

Why does a SSL certificate make your website more secure? 

  • It protects data. The encryption keeps all the information transfers from and to the website secure. If malicious people manage to access that communication (server-client), it won’t be readable for them. Keeping your business and clients’ data safe is vital. 
  • It verifies your identity. Fake websites (phishing) are a common resource of malicious guys to take advantage of your clients. The SSL certificate has in the core of its features to verify websites (servers) identity. There is an official process to issue such a certificate to check and validate your identity. Let your clients know they are on a legit site.
  • It protects money transfers. All websites need security, but businesses managing sensitive info (passwords, IDs, credit card numbers, etc.) must protect clients. Hackers, getting your clients’ data can totally damage your business’ trustability and incomes. In fact, Payment Card Industry (PCI) consider an obligation for businesses to offer clients robust mechanisms for encrypting their data.
  • It improves search engine ranking. Since security is a massive concern, to have a SSL certificate is a factor search engines consider to give your website a better or worse position on their results. Google considers this factor since 2014.
  • It provides your business reliability. For clients to trust you while being online is a big matter. This the difference between increasing or not your traffic, sales, and success.  


Cyber threats are real. Protection for your business is mandatory. SSL certificate is not hard to enable, and its benefits are totally a worthy investment. Don’t hesitate, strengthen your first line of defense with a SSL certificate.

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